Journal of Lie Thoery

About Journal

Journal of Lie Theory is a journal for speedy publication of information in the following areas: Lie algebras, Lie groups and groupoids, algebraic groups, and related types of topological groups such as locally compact and compact groups. Applications to representation theory, differential geometry, geometric control theory, abstract harmonic analysis, homogeneous spaces, symmetric spaces, theoretical physics, and quantum groups are considered as well.

Managing Editor

J. Frah
Aarhus University, Denmark

Deputy Managing Editor

K.-H. Neeb
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

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Founded 1991 under the name 'Seminar Sophus Lie' by Karl Heinrich Hofmann

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Information for Authors

Articles must be written in English, French, or German. The preferred language is English. Articles should be submitted as pdf-files to the Managing Editor. The issues of the Journal of Lie Theory are directly produced from final TeX source files prepared by the authors in a prescribed format which they achieve by using the JOLT-macro-packages.

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Journal of Lie Theory

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